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The 2019 Frist Gala was one for the books. With its thematic inspiration from the Frist Art Museum’s presentation of Van Gogh, Monet, Degas, and Their Times: The Mellon Collection of French Art from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and A Sporting Vision: The Paul Mellon Collection of British Sporting Art from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, the evening was full of colorful gowns, dapper gentlemen and all-around smiling guests. Scroll through the gallery below for a our recap of the evening.
Photography by Adrian Morales
Scott and Mandy McIntosh
Ashley Rosen
Ashley Rosen mid conversation
Dr. Andre Churchwell, Carrie and John Seigenthaler
Dr. Andre Churchwell, Carrie and John Seigenthaler
Jillian Frist
Stephen Kulinski and Danielle St. Germain
Trisha and Chuck Elcan
Gerry Nadeau and Ellen Martin
Melaine Tigrett embracing a friend
Ansel and Jana Davis
Birgitta Williamson and Lorie Duke emerge from the shuttle
Lorie Duke is all smiles while embracing a friend
Melanie Tigrett, Leslie Roberts, Lorie Duke and Birgitta Williamson
Carlana Harwell
Cassie Kelley
Beautiful blue hues making a very Spring statement
Dr. Andre and Doreatha Churchwell
Dr. Andre Churchwell
Frist Gala 2019 co-chairs, Kathleen Estes and Susanne Cato
Frist Gala 2019 co-chairs, Kathleen Estes and Susanne Cato
Chocolate framboise cake, layered with dark chocolate mousse with crispy pearls and edible flowers
Guests are served dinner
Guests chat while admiring the exhibit
Jay Jones and Rob Turner
Jeff and Kim Leeper
Jennie and Rob McCabe
Rachel Halvorson
Rachel and Hoyt Halvorson
Tony and Mary Belle Grande
Tony Grande
Richard and Robin Patton
John Colton and Mary Greer
John Klaritch and Chris Buchanan
Perian Strang and Elizabeth Dennis
Patricia and Marc Hollander
Julie and John Schneider
Dianne Neal
Joanne Cato is embracing a friend, with Karyn Frist and Mary Greer
Beautiful gowns for the Spring event
TK and Laura Kimbrell
Marcya Sheats and Coffi Bell Corbin
Mary Barfield
Max Goldberg and Alice Farquhar
Jennifer Frist
Julie Frist and Robin Patton twinning in Oscar de la Renta
Milton White and Julie Schneider
Milton White with Hugh Howser
Reno and Katie Benson
Sharon and Howard Gentry
Guests admiring the artwork
The table post-dinner
Tony and Mary Belle Grande enjoy a glass of wine before dinner
Trisha Elcan with her mother, honorary chair, Patricia Frist