Amanda Frederickson is a wonder with all things food. From hosting cooking shows to developing and sharing recipes, her accessible approach to food is a lifesaver. She released her first book this spring, Simple Beautiful Food: Recipes and Riffs for Everyday Cooking.
Work & Life
TNE: Quote, mantra, or saying that has meaning in your life…
AF: Say yes and you will figure it out afterword. I love the idea of making decisions based on positivity and knowing you are capable of figuring out anything.
TNE: Your personality type in a word (or two)…
AF: Friendly and warm (hopefully).
TNE: Best quick tip on staying organized…
AF: I am still trying to figure that out.
TNE: The most exciting thing about releasing a book…
AF: Bringing my food and recipes to other peoples’ kitchens. Having a place on their kitchen shelf or wherever they store their cookbooks is a huge honor.
TNE: Three cookbooks you love…
AF: Joy of Cooking, any book from Ottolenghi, and the Zuni Café Cookbook.
TNE: Favorite celebrity chef…
AF: Ina Garten.
TNE: Three unique things always in your pantry…
AF: Fish sauce, frozen cookie dough (in the freezer), and Fresca – this is a weird combination!

TNE: Vacation spot or place you love to stay/escape…
AF: Ojai Valley Inn in Ojai California.
TNE: Currently listing to…
AF: Basically, anything from the ’70s from Abba to Fleetwood Mac to David Bowie.
TNE: Favorite website for learning new things:
AF: YouTube – you can teach yourself basically anything on YouTube.
TNE: What most inspires you?
AF: People who take risks – whether those risks are for something they believe in, something they want, or somewhere they want to go. Anyone willing to move out of their comfort zone is inspiring to me.
My Routine
TNE: What’s the ideal way to start your day?
AF: Large coffee. I cannot start the day without coffee. In a dream scenario, it would be a large coffee while leisurely reading the New York Times but that doesn’t happen anymore with my two children under the age of three!
TNE: Products you count on for energy and health. Give us your wellness go-to’s…
AF: I am a huge fan of the store Lemon Laine in East Nashville. It is not just skincare and cosmetics – they have a fantastic assortment of wellness products so I go there and ask them what they use and what they think I should use.
TNE: How many hours a week do you work?
AF: I have never counted. I think working for yourself means you are always working, for better or worse. But it also means you can take time off whenever you want, too.
TNE: Your favorite way to wind down…
AF: Taking a long, hot shower – I do my best thinking in the shower.
TNE: What do you never leave home without?
AF: My reusable bottle of water and my cell phone.
TNE: The most random thing we might find in your carry on…
AF: The random things I use as toys to distract my kids when traveling or the remnants of someone’s snack that they didn’t finish. To be honest, I would be scared to look in my purse or carry-on when traveling with kids. Oh, and lots of hand sanitizer and wipes so no one gets sick while traveling.

TNE: Who you count on for glam…
AF: Oxanna from Oxanna Salon does my hair and I just started getting facials from Karee Hays. I have given up getting my nails done – since I cook all the time I am constantly washing them and nail polish just doesn’t last.
TNE: What do you splurge on personally?
AF: Travel. I love a fancy hotel.
TNE: Wine, cocktails, smoothies…
AF: Can I say beer? I love a good glass of red wine but I will take a cold glass of beer any day.
My City
TNE: Your neighborhood…
AF: Belmont/Hillsboro.
TNE: Coolest neighborhood treasure/place…
AF: Firepot Nomadic Teas on 12 South.
TNE: Top choice for date night…
AF: Folk.
TNE: Business lunch spot…
AF: I love any excuse to go to Café Roze.
TNE: Florist you swear by…
AF: Rebel Hill Florist.
TNE: The best place to buy healthy food…
AF: I love the Franklin Farmers Market and the Turnip Truck.
TNE: Meeting friends for coffee or wine?
AF: Coffee these days because starting a restaurant, launching a cookbook, and taking care of 2 kids under 2 means I am perpetually tired.
TNE: Shop you can always find the perfect outfit…
AF: Emerson Grace on 12 South.
TNE: Where do you source things for your home?
AF: I love the hunt of a great vintage find. Gaslight Antiques and Music City Modern are two of my favorites in town.
TNE: Places you get exercise (gym, parks, wherever)…
AF: Walking around my neighborhood
TNE: One thing you love most about living in Music City…
AF: The warmth and friendliness of the people who live here.
TNE: The thing that you don’t love so much…
AF: Bugs in the summer.
TNE: The perfect day off in town includes…
AF: It would be a spring or fall day where we could spend all day outside – going for walks, BBQing, and having friends over.
TNE: Favorite local events or involvements…
AF: I am a huge fan of the Nashville Food Project and the Nashville Zoo.