At the Edit, we love highlighting women who contribute to the community of Nashville, and Jaclyn Nesheiwat Stapp does exactly that. As the wife to the frontman of the rock band, Creed, mom to her little ones, an award-winning author, advocate for anti-bullying and mental health, and fashion model, Jaclyn wears many hats. In fact, one of those hats was swapped for a crown, as she is also a former Miss New York USA 2004 and Mrs. Florida America 2008.
Jaclyn Stapp – Champion for Children
While one might think her life would be all rock concerts and photo shoots, it’s actually far from it. Jaclyn has created a foundation that truly speaks to her passion for helping underprivileged children have the same opportunities that she did as a child by providing them with the tools and encouragement to overcome the challenges they may be facing. CHARM (Children Are Magical), her own non-profit organization, was born out of that very passion.
We were able to talk to Jaclyn about her life on the road, where she frequents in Nashville, and what inspires her to write children’s books!
The Nashville Edit: Give us a glimpse into what your routine on the road looks like.
Jaclyn Stapp: We often travel with our kids, so the day really begins when the kids are set. On off days, we make it a Field Trip Day by taking the kids to museums and parks, trying to expose them to educational and fun experiences.
[My husband,] Scott and I try to hit the gym together and get a workout in before he gets busy. I am fortunate to travel on tour with my husband and kids. He is so supportive of my work with the CHARM Foundation, so we also do charity events or visit children’s hospitals. A portion of my husband’s merch proceeds goes towards our charity that helps support children and families in need.
TNE: How do you find time for you and your husband while on tour together?
JS: As busy as it gets, we make our family a priority by balancing and sticking to a structured schedule. It really works well for all of us! We literally have an app before the tour starts where we can plug in our personal and business schedules. On tours, we get to visit friends and family, make media appearances, squeeze in date night when we can, sit by the pool or do yoga together.
TNE: What are some items you never forget to bring along with you when traveling?
JS: My sleeping mask, a labeled phone charger (because they always get “borrowed”), ear plugs, and of course, my makeup.
TNE: Any nutrition tips while traveling?
JS: I try to go easy on the salt and carbs! Restaurant and room service food are always full of salt. I try to stick to salads with protein. Hydration and exercise are really important, too. I’m a constant snacker, so I carry food with me and eat throughout the day.
TNE: Are you a night owl or a morning bird?
JS: I am a daylight person. I hit the ground running after a cup of coffee, yoga, emails, phone calls, conferences, and meetings. By 8:00 pm, I am winding down along with the kids and hubby.
TNE: How do you start your mornings?
JS: I usually start my weekend mornings with one or two kids climbing in our bed, and the little one in his co-sleeper babbling to get him out. The kids’ energy and morning spirit without coffee is amazing and contagious, so I take advantage of the hugs and kisses, and having breakfast together.
TNE: Where do you go for healthy lunches when you’re in Nashville?
JS: I love Avo! My yoga instructor, Janice, first introduced me to the restaurant. It has creative and delicious vegan dishes. Plus, they have the world-famous AVOcado margarita! I also love a fresh-pressed juice after a workout. Juice Bar is a favorite, especially when I’m in a rush.
TNE: What is your favorite healthy dinner recipe?
JS: Grilled chicken, and brown rice topped with pinenuts, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.
TNE: Any clothing brands you love? Where do you find them locally?
JS: I love shopping online, anywhere from Australian clothing lines to US stores like Intermix, Revolve, and even Target. I love bargain shopping, too. Locally, I enjoy shopping at H. Audrey in Green Hills, Fabrik, and cute vintage shops in 12South. Alexander Wang and Helmut Lang are some of my favorite designers.
TNE: How do you keep your children occupied when you’re all home?
JS: We fell in love with Nashville and there’s no turning back! We live in Franklin, which is about 10 miles outside of Nashville, which is home to the Predators. We love to attend those exciting hockey games as a family. Our son is heavy into sports with Dad, who coaches his teams when he’s home from tour. We also love hiking and trails in the beautiful parks.
TNE: What are some of your beauty values?
JS: Hydration is important for the body, and especially the face. I’m a big believer in beauty sleep, cleanse your face each night, avoid the sun, wear sunblock and be happy!
TNE: What is your makeup staple?
JS: I love a good lip balm, but I’m also obsessed with primers. Who doesn’t want their face base to hold on for that extra mile?
TNE: What about your hair staple?
JS: I deep condition once a month and sleep with a mask in my hair. During the humid seasons, I get a good keratin treatment. As for product, Oribe dry texture shampoo is my favorite.
TNE: Who do you trust with your skincare needs around town?
JS: Karee Hayes, and Kara Ballard from Ren Dermatology. Karee is the queen of Koji Pads (crack pads). She has helped me tremendously with my skincare routine, especially after having a baby. Kara gives the best hydrafacials and microneedling!
TNE: What life advice do you live by?
JS: I believe in the motto “You be the change you want to see in this world.” I feel we cannot complain or criticize, but rather be proactive in actively contributing to society, and make this planet safe, healthy, and peaceful for the future of our children.
TNE: What is your guilty pleasure?
JS: Dark chocolate covered almonds! I have to hide a bag because my husband likes them so much!
TNE: Where is your favorite place to grab a drink in Nashville with your girlfriends?
JS: I have a few places! I think a great hangout place that I even take my mom to is Puckett’s, which has good food, music, and drinks. I also love LA Jackson on top of the Thompson Hotel. The Gulch is a fun place for a night out!
TNE: What is your current mantra?
JS: My current personal mantra is “May my heart be kind, my mind fierce, and my spirit brave.”
TNE: What is your take on social media?
JS: It seems it has become a way of life, and like everything else in life, it has its benefits and disadvantages. I am concerned more about cyberbullying, yet we can often send information that can be so useful to others. I think it’s important that parents monitor their kid’s social media, so they do not become too disconnected. It’s also important to teach our kids that not everything and everyone on social media is real life.
TNE: What inspired you to get into writing children’s books?
JS: When I overheard my children talk about experiences in school, I was inspired to share my own story to make them and others aware of the issue of bullying and how to deal with it. So, I told my personal story of being bullied as a child because I was different. I was called a boy with knobby knees, made fun of for my unruly thick hair, and for my Middle Eastern culture. The moral of my story became a big success, as I am invited to many schools to read to the children and let them know that it’s okay to be different, because that’s what makes us special. I end the talk encouraging the little ones to always believe in themselves because they are each individual and special in their own way.
TNE: Where do you find your inspiration for writing?
JS: It starts with my mother and all the adventures of being raised by a widow with five children. We had the typical ups and downs of life, and despite our humble beginnings, we were happy and appreciated all that we did have in our lives, especially each other. My mom led by example and taught us “I was sad that I had no shoes, until I met the child that had no feet.”
You can read more information on Jaclyn’s previous 2019 fundraiser for CHARM below:

CHARM Foundation’s 2nd Annual Back to School Bash
- WHAT: Children Are Magical Back to School program ensures that every child is prepared to learn and succeed in the classroom by providing free school supplies, water bottles, and backpacks, along with potential health screenings, dental exams, and haircuts to students most in need. Our program is dedicated to providing those in need with the tools necessary to be successful in the classroom!
- WHY: More than 16 million kids live in extreme poverty in the U.S. and arrive on the first day of school without the supplies needed to succeed. 90% of the households in the Cayce Place homes are headed by single women. The average household income for families living in the Cayce Place is $7494, which is 70% below the national poverty rate.
- WHERE: Kirkpatrick Center 998 Sevier Court Nashville, TN 37206
- WHEN: August 4th, 2019 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The 2019 CHARM Foundation Back to School Bash was a huge success! A few big stars also made an appearance at the Bash. Jackie’s husband, Scott, performed during the event. And another big name, Chris Kirkpatrick of NSYNC, made an appearance and spoke about his gratitude for children’s programs and foundations that provided for him so he could go to school as a kid.
View pictures from the Bash and the highlight reel here on CHARM: